Thursday, August 14, 2008

Well, that would explain a lot

Dig this excerpt from a GQ & A with Aaron Sorkin:
Have you met Obama? What do you make of him?

The first time I met Barack Obama—I should say the only time I've met Barack Obama—was a year ago, when he was doing fifty-person-cocktail-party fund-raisers. He flattered me by saying, "My intention is to steal a lot of your lines."

(Emphasis mine-BV)

My prediction is he's just going to blow the doors off the place in Denver. ...I don't need to tell you that I'm a big fan of oratory. A big part of leadership is the goose-bump experience. We've been missing that.

I also like that Sorkin doesn't blame others when he doesn't write well:

Why didn't Studio 60 work?

I made too many mistakes. I would give anything to go back and get another bite of that apple.

He's also gentlemanly about Tina Fey, as I would expect him to be (even if I'm not always capable of it), and mentions something about a possible new show on HBO...

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