Monday, September 19, 2005

Bwa ha ha ha ha...bwa ha ha ha ha...bwa ha ha...

You know, there's nothing funnier than watching republicans fly into the highest dudgeon, pulling their metaphorical skirts high like women frightened by a mouse in a 1940's cartoon. Especially when they do it because, they cry, some Democrat has violated the tranquil civility under which our political system works.

Case in point: In what's being called a "whithering attack,"
Former president Bill Clinton criticised George W. Bush for the Iraq War and the handling of Hurricane Katrina, and voiced alarm at the swelling US budget deficit.

Breaking with tradition under which US presidents mute criticisms of their successors, Clinton said the Bush administration had decided to invade Iraq "virtually alone and before UN inspections were completed, with no real urgency, no evidence that there were weapons of mass destruction."

The US strategy of trying to develop the Iraqi military and police so that they can cope without US support "I think is the best strategy. The problem is we may not have, in the short run, enough troops to do that," said Clinton.

Now, personally, glad as I am that the big dog is snapping, I don't give him much credit for timing or political bravery: Where was this talk before the 38% approval rating, Bill? But as Molly Ivins once memorably pointed out,
"If left to my own devices I'd spend all my time pointing out that [Clinton's] weaker than bus-station chili. But the man is so constantly subjected to such hideous and unfair abuse that I wind up standing up for him on the general principle that some fairness should be applied."

Fairness and balance, of course, is the republicans job. Republicans like "Hindrocket" (and I feel compelled to point out, that is his self-chosen nickname), at the Power Line republican blog:

In recent years, the Democrats have violated many of the tacit conventions of civility that have enabled our political system to work for more than two centuries. Yesterday another barrier fell, and once again, we entered uncharted waters: former President Bill Clinton launched a vicious attack on President Bush on ABC's "This Week" program.

This has never happened before. Until now, both parties have recognized a patriotism that, at some level, supersedes partisanship.

He's right, of course. It was the Democrats who played on racist fears to win a primary, by spreading rumors that John McCain had fathered an illigitimate, half-black child.

And it's the Democrats who seem to like nothing better than to mock men and women who've served and sacrificed for their country. By distributing phony dog tags and Purple Hearts (!)to people who would never think of enlisting to fight a war they claim to support and smearing decorated, wounded men.

The Democrats did all that, and more, peeing in our pool and forever souring the free and rigorous exchange of ideas that used to characterize our political scene until the Clintons got into the White House.


(Sometimes, a man has to resort to sarcasm...)

ETA: Some others, of course, don't see it quite that way. A pro-Bush blog called Big Lizards makes the not-at-all sexist argument that:
Bill Clinton flings his dirt like a monkey with a handful of monkey byproduct, and for the same reason: to mark his territory and ward off enemies -- Republicans who might stand in the way of Billary's return to la Casa Blanca. This is, of course, the open secret we're supposed to forget: that Hillary has designs on the presidency, and that her husband would of course go along for the ride... and possibly even take the wheel when she wasn't looking.

Republican PunditGuy, meanwhile, finds this matter highly suspicious and interesting:

Bill’s verbal fire was more likely started by two possible ignitors. He is either suffering from a certain lack of media (‘world’) attention, or Hillary is getting nervous about her recent rejection by Democratic colleagues. She’s been known to do this before, and after all, Bill had his moment – it’s now time for Hillary’s closeup. In many ways, she needs the same kind of attention Bill requires, but I’ll tackle that subject another time (I’m not ready or motivated to write the ‘Hillary is a power hungry system manipulator’ meme at this moment).

Like the heroin addict with no cost access to pure china white, Bill will bask in the warmth of the media glory he’s created for himself, until the lights dim. Then he’ll do it again, and again, and again.

Okay, everybody who's shocked that Hillary and Bill Clinton are politicians, and that politicians like the media spotlight, let's have your comments. Certainly a 180 degree turn from the current administration's policies, isn't it?

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