Thursday, September 22, 2005

Sophie never had to make this kind of choice

As Sen. Hillary Clinton ratchets up her attacks on President Bush, some Democrats think they smell an explanation: the threat of a 2008 Al Gore presidential bid that could come at her from the left on Iraq.
The former vice president is suddenly re-emerging as a vocal and visible Bush-basher — he's slated to star at a Democratic National Committee fund-raiser for big donors in Washington next Tuesday.

"He's keeping a very strong public profile. He was the first major Democrat to oppose the Iraq war. He's keeping in touch around the country and doing a lot of speeches..."

--The New York Post

Oh my god. Imagine having to choose between Hillary Clinton and Al Gore. I suppose given that choice (come on, John Edwards!) I'd have to go for Hillary. Sorry Al, I just don't think you're suited for the big chair.

I've got my doubts about her too, but most objections to her candidacy seem to me to come down to sexism, and I can't get into that.

ETA: On the other hand, TGW here makes a not-entirely-unconvincing argument in favor of Al Gore as a "Comeback Kid."

As his speech at the Sierra Club's national convention indicates, Al Gore is not the same man who ran against Bush in 2000:

"When the corpses of American citizens are floating in toxic flood waters five days after a hurricane struck, it is time not only to respond directly to the victims of the catastrophe, but to hold ... the leaders of our nation accountable.

The warnings about global warming have been extremely clear for a long time. We are facing a global climate crisis, it is deepening. We are entering a period of consequences,"

Imagine having a president who believes in and comprehends science.
Hmm. I suppose a Gore/Clinton ticket is out of the question?


Anonymous said...

Way ahead of you. I was wishing for a Gore/H.Clinton ticket in 1992. And a lot of my liking for Gore came from the very reason you cite - he actually understands the science he talks about.

Ben Varkentine said...

My concern about Gore isn't that he's not smart, qualified and engaged--clearly, he is.

Boiled down, my objections are two things: That old bugaboo, "electability" and that "PMRC" thing in his closet.

Sometimes I think he serves his country best not by leading it, but by being a smart, qualified and engaged critic-outside the tent.