Monday, April 24, 2006

Bauer blogging

It's observed on one of the last-season DVD commentaries that things happen in almost any given act of any episode of 24 that would only be the last act of whole episodes of lesser series. If not the finale of entire seasons.

Tonight's was an excellent example, and one of the best episodes of the year.

There's part of me that wants to believe Henderson wasn't just mindfucking Audrey and that her father might still be alive. But if he's dead, that won't bother me nearly as much as if Aaron is.

(Note to Corey-you won't know this having just come in last season, but Aaron's one of those characters who's been around a long time on the periphery of this series, gaining more lines and screentime each year, till this season he emerged as a major supporting player.)

And speaking of characters who've been around a long time: Was I the only one, when Jack raged at Henderson that he'd been responsible for the deaths of David Palmer and Audrey's father, two real patriots, who yelled:

"And Michelle and Tony!"

-at the screen? Besides being pretty good patriots themselves, they were also among Jack's oldest friends. What I said about Henderson two weeks ago still goes: A bullet in the middle of that landing field he calls a forehead is too good for him.

I want him to go slowly. With Jack on hand to make sure he suffers.

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