Monday, April 24, 2006

Y'hear that, Jenna and Barbara?

Prince Harry: Send me to war or I quit
Prince Harry has threatened to quit the Army if commanders refuse to send him to the front line.
He told senior officers before recently passing out of Sandhurst as a Second Lieutenant: "If I am not allowed to join my unit in a war zone, I will hand in my uniform."

On a completely unrelated matter, Jenna and Barbara Bush had a disturbing experience at their spinning class recently. Their teacher made critical remarks about their daddy, which made Jenna cry "oh pooh."

And just like a woman, she went running to a man (her boyfriend, one Henry Hager) to make everything all better. So he called the club to complain (instead of asking the teacher to step outside-y'know, like a real man woulda).

Poor dears. You'd almost think no one had instilled in them the notion that this "freedom" that other people are supposedly dying and killing for also includes the freedom to disapprove of their father himself.


jeopardygirl said...

Whaddaya mean, "just like a woman?" I fight my OWN freakin' battles, thankyouverymuch.

Julia said...

Yeah, please edit the whole man/woman thing.

I think I could take you, 2 outta 3.

Ben Varkentine said...

It's funny to me that niether of you commented on the "like a real man woulda" thing.

Which might have been your clue that I was using a little thing that we in the jet set like to call irony.

jeopardygirl said...

"Mmm, the ironing is delicious." ~Homer Simpson.

BTW, we see what we want to see.