Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Soul hip it hurts

Glenn Greenwald has a post in Unclaimed Territory that I highly recommend reading, and following the links he provides to The BradBlog & firedoglake. He takes as his starting point an informal interview that Brad conducted with Russ Feingold recently.

After a lengthy excerpt, Greenwald notes:
...I have been waiting for some time to hear Feingold explain: (a) whether he did provide any advance warning to other Senators before announcing his Censure Resolution and (b) if not, as seemed to be the case, what the reasons were for not doing so. This is the first time I have seen anyone ask him this. That the truly probing questions are being asked by bloggers rather than by national journalists is becoming increasingly commonplace.

Then another excerpt:

Whether supported or passed or not, Feingold said, it's important for the history books. When people look back to see what happened here, and wonder if anybody stood up for our Constitution in the face of unprecedented disregard for it, via the illegal practice of spying without a warrant on American citizens on U.S. soil, it'll be right there that at least he and about five others in the Senate had the courage to stand up and say, "No, this is wrong."

Greenwald then points to Jane Hamsher identifying a truth:

Jane Hamsher wrote yesterday about an American Prospect article by John Halpin and Ruy Teixeira on closing the "identity gap" for Democrats, and as Jane argued, the central problem for the Democrats is not that independent and swing voters think that Democrats stand for nothing, but that core Democrats like Jane think that, too.

And I think that, too.

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