Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The conservative blogs are turning against Ann Coulter

As we haven't played in a while, I thought about doing this as a nice, rousing game of...Who Said It?

This time, though, I'm just gonna tell you who said it. Because this time, it's not just who said it, it's who they said it about and what it is they said.

Via Hullabaloo, someone at Daily Kos has come up with a sampling of prominent con-bloggers calling out Ann Coulter for her attack on the 9/11 widows. See, they want us to believe they find things like that just as morally repugnant as we do.

Almost as though they had a moral compass. Right.

In my favorite, Ace Of Spades sez:

this nastiness is uncalled for. Even if something is actually felt deep inside -- even if you're filled with toxic hatred for very annoying, very presumptuous, very left-leaning women with an overweening sense of entitlement -- most people would find less abrasive ways to express such an emotion. Does that mean that Ann is just more honest than us "nancy boys"? Not really. A lot of the time the excuse of "I was just being honest" is just a code for "I'm basically an inconsiderate [butthead] who cannot be bothered to modify my behavior in even the slightest fashion in order to observe basic conventions of social decency."

Now--put aside for the moment that AoS's argument is basically, "dude, I know it's true that the 9/11 widows are whores but you shouldn't say it."

As Digby points out, this sudden awareness that Ann Coulter is so utterly wrongheaded I doubt the happiest feminist would deny she needs a slap across the face is somewhat new to the right-wing community.

To refresh our memory, Dig's put together his own selection of quotes that these self-same Republican bloggers were only too glad to support, if only by their conspicuous silence, when they were in high cotton.

These were my favorites:

"When contemplating college liberals, you really regret once again that John Walker is not getting the death penalty. We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed too. Otherwise they will turn out to be outright traitors."

"it's far preferable to fight [terrorists] in the streets of Baghdad than in the streets of New York where the residents would immediately surrender."

"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building."

"Liberals can't just come out and say they want to take our money, kill babies and discriminate on the basis of race."

Digby concludes:

So what has precipitated this new wingnut sensitivity? Republican popularity, that's what. That's when the movement starts casting its dead weight overboard.

You can say this for the Republicans. They have the courage of their convictions.

And Huff this season has been just as smartly written as the first.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What do you know about conservatives? Why don't you talk from your malcontent liberal heart! Why don't you say what you mean - something like - "I wish conservatives were turning against Ann Coulter because she scares me. If all conservatives start talking like her, it looks like I'm in for the fight I've looking for."