Monday, October 02, 2006

Obviously I haven't been paying Amy Poehler the attention she deserves

In fact I've never really paid much attention to Saturday Night Live's Poehler. I do remember one of the last times I watched SNL thinking that she seemed to be in every sketch and wondering if she'd written them all, or what.

She didn't make me laugh that much, but she didn't make me want to scream "God! Release me from this torment!" a lot either, which is more than some.

But enough about The L Word.

Poehler's given an interview to Bust magazine-which seems to have a knack for interviewing female comedians, they also ran the excellent profile of Samantha Bee from The Daily Show I posted about last year.

A couple of gems from Poehler's interview, via Eat The Press--

What I've been doing now is getting my agents to send me scripts that are written for guys. Because sometimes when guys write for women, they freeze up. I had this friend who said he had trouble writing for women, and I said, "Here's my advice: call the guy Larry the whole time, and at the end change it to Susan. 'Cause there's no difference, really."

And, words to live by, at least metaphorically:

Grow your bush out wide, tall, and proud.

I'm not sure how the theme of today's posts became Ben's Thought's On The Female Body, except inasmuch as that's the part of the theme every day. But metaphorically, schmetaphorically, I say.

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