Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Or, "Why less than 10% of this blog is political these days (if that)"

At American Prospect Online, Matt Yglesias has an article that's worth at least skimming. I'll give you the top and bottom paragraphs so you can decide for yourself if you want "the meat," as it were.

Americans are, fundamentally, optimistic people. Hence, every now and again we're treated to some variant of the story about how America's national security policy is going to be okay again, because George W. Bush is bringing some grownups onto the team. When considering this pattern, it's perhaps worth recalling that in its first formulation the savior/hero figure was ... Dick Cheney.

That's the problem with having a bad president put into office and then re-elected -- he keeps doing bad things no matter how many personnel shifts get made. And he'll be there for two more years. It's a frightening thought, and it's more pleasant to imagine some cadre of sensible Republicans riding to the rescue. But even though the truth is hard to bear, it's better to face reality: Nothing will change until a new president is in office.

And that's why I'd rather post videos of the Beatles, Charlie Brown.

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