Sunday, January 07, 2007

The world has gone insane.

When this is considered a "bad" ass. (For those of you playing at home, that's Rose McGowan, in keeping with my theme this week of paying tribute to women that Marilyn Manson couldn't keep satisfied.)


Anonymous said...

35 years old and you list Anne Hathaway an "interest."
You creepy fuck!

Ben Varkentine said...

Yes, it is creepy for a 35 year old man to be interested in an acclaimed, beautiful, and politically right-on movie star with a sense of humor, isn't it?

I hang my head in shame.

Anonymous said...

Oh gimme a break, last I heard she was legal. It's not like she's 12. You ogle all you want Ben.

jeopardygirl said...

Dear Anonymous #1,

Fuck you. If you think a 35-year old man appreciating a LEGAL 25-year old woman is creepy, think about this: Tony Randall became a father for the last time at the age of 77--with a woman who was FIFTY years younger than him. Get off your high horse, anonymous.

Ben, your taste is second to none... :)

Ben Varkentine said...

I appreciate the support, ladies (I'm assuming Anonymous #2 is A'mee). And:

"Ben, your taste is second to none... :)"

How would you know, you've never tasted me...:)

Ben Varkentine said...

You should've seen the shots I didn't use.