Monday, November 26, 2007

I think I morally disapprove.

The following started out as another Amazon review, this time of the Juliana Beasley book, called "Lapdancer," mentioned a week-and-a-half ago. But it got a little personal so I thought I'd just make a post of it here.

To tell you the truth I've never really been in a strip club, but the book captures...what I think it must be like. Some of the photographs are sexy, yes, but after a while, certain realism sets in.

One or two of the best pictures are the ones where you seem to see the women really making connections-with themselves, with the photographer, but certainly never with a customer.

The recurring theme is that everyone is looking for that connection or support (even if that support is financial). But in a way which...I don't want to sound like a prude, but the word that leaps to mind is "dehumanizes." And I think I morally disapprove.

I don't think that if I morally disapprove of something, it should be illegal for anyone else, but I think I morally disapprove. I morally disapprove of the selling of human contact.

I didn't know that about myself.

For the record, if I had posted this review on Amazon I would have given the book five stars. I figure any book that gives me such a revelation deserves it.

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