Thursday, October 06, 2005

Hay una discoteca por acqui?

I don't speak the language
I can't understand a word...
--Pet Shop Boys, "Discoteca"

About 10 days ago, I added Site Meter to this blog. Among other things, this means that I now get a log of referring URLs. As in, if someone came here because they found my blog on a Google blogsearch, I know that.

I just found in that log the URL to a blog belonging to someone calling themselves Mariano. What text there is is in Spanish, which I don't understand, but in fact there's little text there at all.

It seems completely devoted to showing pieces of artwork. I assume "Mariano" painted them him-or-herself, but again, I have no way of knowing.

But as the saying goes, I may not know about art, but I know what I like. And I like these. I encourage you to click on the link above and stroll down the page; whoever "Mariano" is, he-or-she has a gift.

(Again, assuming this is his-or-her own work. I don't think I've ever wished quite so hard I spoke Spanish)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need a Babelfish...