Friday, October 07, 2005

Preach on

Anne from Peevish adds some things in response to that report that alleges
Democrats can't win with liberal voters?

Just let them get some real leadership with a liberal platform and some candidates we believe in, and we'll see whether or not that's true.

Exactly; this is what I've been thinking for a long time. How would we know if a real liberal leader can or can't attract enough votes--when was the last time we nominated one? Carter? Mondale? No, I said leader.

If we'd had a campaign in which one party was conservative, and made their case, and one party was liberal, and made their case? And the country said you know what, we'll go with the conservatives, then, then I might believe the "experts" who say we have to moderate.

But until I see the Democrats really try to win with a truly liberal leader, all those so-called experts are is the people who brought us Kerry in '04 and Gore in 2000.

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