Monday, November 14, 2005

Why I don't like Maureen Dowd so much as some of my Liberal comrades do

First, go read this Eric Alterman post from last year about how Dowd equated Clinton's lie with Bush's. As Alterman said:
"Let’s do a tally, shall we?

People dead from Clinton’s lie: 0
People dead from Bush’s: tens of thousands.

Endless quagmires caused by Clinton’s lie: 0
Endless quagmires caused by Bush’s lie: 1"

Then, join me in giving an air-synthisizer riff to Shakespeare's Sister for finding this excellent post by Scott Lemieux.
I don't think her columns are any better now that her substance-free hackwork is directed against the administration she did her best to help put in office.

This is one of those posts that if I quoted everything I want to hit you with, we'll all be here till tomorrow, so just go and read at your leisure.

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