Wednesday, December 07, 2005

More good news for our Hebrew friends.

Update: On the other hand, Gibson may be too busy running for Governor of California.

Original post:

From TNR:

Flory Van Beek, have you heard the news? Mel Gibson is going to take your self-published memoir--of how, as a Dutch Jew, you survived the Holocaust--and he's going to develop it into a four-hour miniseries for ABC!

Now, depending on how much you've heard about Mr Gibson and his father's views on the Holocaust, you may or may not smell the irony reeking from the headline above. Fortunately, Atrios is here to explain everything, in a post that begins:

I think people too often get this issue wrong and it's important that people understand. Neither Mel Gibson nor his father deny the holocaust exist in the sense that they claim it's a wholly fabricated story. While Papa Gibson has been more outspoken than his son, Mel has never (to my knowledge) distanced himself from his father's views and in fact in the interview in which he supposedly proved he wasn't a holocaust denier he in fact demonstrated that he really was one.

Holocaust deniers for the most part don't claim that it was entirely fiction. What they do is say that the numbers and intention were exaggerated, that World War II was a tragedy all around and the holocaust happened in the context of a war in which lots of people were killed.

There's tons more neat stuff. Mel Gibson directing a story about the holocaust is like George W. Bush directing a story about lesbians.


jeopardygirl said...

What kills me about Holocaust deniers, is they obviously don't know that the Nazis kept detailed, meticulous records. They were fanatical about counting, and those records are still in existence.

Sure, they probably didn't count the all the people they killed who never made it into the camps, but those numbers wouldn't be enough to screw with the generally acknowledged figures.

I've finished your novella, look for a critique in a day or two.

Ben Varkentine said...

Great. Suspense.

jeopardygirl said...

LOL. I know how fragile author's egos are! I want to make sure I word it so I don't bat yours around too much. I only have a cat as a pet, I'm not a cat, myself.
