Thursday, December 08, 2005


Good post at The Anonymous Liberal. He starts with a post from John Hindrocket of Powerline in which it is noted that
Network coverage [of Iraq]has been over-whelmingly pessimistic.

Hindrocket goes on to conclude "logically" that this in some way indicates that the media has bewitched the poor American people into thinking that the way is going badly. Instead of that being something they concluded because they have eyes and a brain stem.

TAL takes off from there, beginning with:
You know, the capacity for insane paranoia among the wingnut crowd never ceases to amaze me. I know, I know, paranoia is rampant on the Left as well. But that's to be expected. Paranoia goes hand in hand with lack of power. With all the branches of our government under the control of conservatives, it's not surprising that many on the Left have succumb to the paranoid desperation that so often afflicts the powerless. But what excuse do conservatives have? It was one thing when they were sitting around discussing Vince Foster's murder during the height of the Clinton years. But now conservatives control both chambers of Congress, the Presidency, and an increasingly disproportionate swath of the judiciary. And conservative talking heads now dominate television and radio. Yet none of this has done anything to alleviate the persecution complexes from which so many conservatives appear to suffer. All Republican political problems are still best explained by pointing to some vast conspiracy of liberal elites.

Go read the whole thing.

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