Thursday, May 17, 2007

I'd just like to officially be the last guy in the world to say

Oh my god does Ocean's 12 suck beyond all previously accepted definitions of sucking. I'm a big fan of its predecessor, but this may be the worst follow-up I have ever seen. Boring where the first one was fun, dull where it was shiny, and where the first story had a kind of absurd reasoning, this one throws all reason out the window.

It's essentially over two hours of Clooney, Roberts, Soderbergh and the rest holding up a great big "fuck you!" finger to the audience.

"We don't need a script, we're movie stars!"

As I say, I realize I'm probably about the last one to come to this realization. Some comments I have seen from Clooney about the forthcoming ...13 suggest he knows it too. But I just had to get that out or it was gonna stick in my craw.

You know how it is.

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