Wednesday, May 16, 2007

On the other hand

As most of you know, I have been writing/trying to sell a play/screenplay/novel for a few years that features a couple of characters who happen to be gay. As many of you may also know, it is a characteristic of the "struggling artist" that we sometimes feel sorry for ourselves when work that we perceive to be not as good as our own does well.

Or even just the fact that it gets made or published, even if it dies on the vine, while we still struggle. It can be disheartening, my friends, when you know that you've spent great amounts of time and care trying to create people an audience will care about. With good things to say, and a compelling story to tell.

Meanwhile, stories that seem to you to be more about exploitation and/or tokenism are put out there.

But, as in all things, there is balance.

you can get Mary Cheney's memoir for six cents (***NEVER USED***) at Amazon.

Gracias to Blue Gal.

1 comment:

Fran / Blue Gal said...

No problemo. Gracias.