Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ladies Love Cool Ben

By coincidence, I've gotten nods from a couple of journals and websites for women and feminists this week. Ann from Feministing included my review of the model kidnapping-torture flick ad campaign in her Weekly Feminist Reader. Thanks to her.

Also worth checking out in this week's reader:

Abstinence only sex education isn't even playing in Kansas anymore.

This article from Alternet on "The Hidden Costs of America's Hypermasculine Culture:" asks:
What can we say about a country so anxiously hypermasculine that it can give rise to Godmen, a muscular-Christianity movement that seeks to lure Real Men back to church with services that feature guys bending metal wrenches with their bare hands and leaders exulting, "Thank you, Lord, for our testosterone!"

("Thank you, Lord, for our testosterone.")

(Yes, thank you, Lord...)

And this post from Salon about how a man and his wife made a decision to abort.

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