Monday, August 27, 2007

Things I'll never understand

...why a pretty girl like Keira Knightley, who looks as good here as I've ever seen her, would completely ruin it for me by lighting up a cigarette.


PJ said...

When you see the film (Atonement) you'll see that the smoking fits the character in that particular scene. I love that pic, and that dress.

Keira does look very slim in the film, but it's so obvious that it's a natural state for her body, she's not killing herself to look like that, despite what her critics may say.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Perhaps because she was paid to do so. It's called acting.

Ben Varkentine said...

Perhaps you read this blog as black-and-white and exact.

I think it has a lot more metaphor and grace than that.