Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Can I just say, I'm sick of people who have more money than Asia and still can't pull their lives together?

Case in point.

Because of one or two pieces of bad news I received this evening, I am less willing than usual to mind my own business where Britney Spears is concerned, something I usually try to do, believe it or not. But I'm sick of it.

Everyone I know's lives would be so much better (with maybe one or two exceptions) if they only had a little more money. Not even a lot, necessarily, but some. And I am just sick unto death of reading about people who by any standard have had all their dreams come true and don't know how to Step Up.

So many people are going to live and die without ever being given That Chance. And for people who have had good fortune smile on them to turn around and kick it in the teeth...

Well I'm just sick of it, that's all.

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