Sunday, January 20, 2008

Random Flickr Blogging: 5690

I've got nothing to say about this...I just think it's lovely.



Generik said...

I nearly used that one as well... something along the lines of "When the alphabet ATTACKS!" or a riff on broken thought balloons or something. Obviously I couldn't come up with anything worthwhile, so I let it go.

It is a good picture, though. Glad you posted it.

George said...

Sorry I posted it too--didn't have the time to see what others did before I cranked some out.

That picture does have some pull, though.

nash said...

It IS lovely. Were I disposed to defile it, though, the first thing that comes to mind is something about the upstairs neighbor suffering from logorrhea. Hmm. Ick.

Categorical Aperitif