Sunday, October 30, 2005

debasing the Holy Phallus by getting girl cooties on it

Say, you know who I haven't quoted and linked to here for far too long? Amanda at Pandagon. Let's correct that, because she's found a dandy article about how birth control pills took all the romance out of sex.

I don't know about you, but I came of sexual age in the early '90s in the San Francisco Bay Area; birth control pills were the last of my problems. I can count the number of times I've had sex without a condom on the fingers of one hand.

And yes, I have had more sex than that. Smartass.

In what follows, quotes from the original article are in italics, and Amanda is in bold. Just as a woman like her should be.
Woman on the pill is thus not only freed from the practical risk of pregnancy; she has, wittingly or not, begun to redefine the meaning of her own womanliness.
Indeed, it's hard to remember you're female unless you're pregnant all the time. Luckily, we porn liberal feminists have figured out a way to help you in case you forget that you're a woman because you contracept like the Big Pharma witch you are. Men, please avert your eyes while I share this female secret...M-U-L-T-I-P-L-E-O-R-G-A-S-M-S. Surefire way to remember you're a woman if being not-pregnant has left you in a state of doubt. If that isn't enough to convince you, then I'm sure a handheld mirror will do the trick.

Sex education in our elementary and secondary schools is an independent yet related obstacle to courtship and marriage. Taking for granted, and thereby ratifying, precocious sexual activity among teenagers (and even pre-teens), most programs of sex education in public schools have a twofold aim: the prevention of teenage pregnancy and the prevention of venereal disease, especially AIDS. While some programs also encourage abstinence or non-coital sex, most are concerned with teaching techniques for "safe sex"; offspring (and disease) are thus treated as (equally) avoidable side effects of sexuality, whose true purpose is only individual pleasure. (This I myself did not learn until our younger daughter so enlightened me, after she learned it from her seventh-grade biology teacher.)
Kass swiftly corrected his daughter. "My god, no! Sex is not for pleasure! How could anything that involves a man debasing the Holy Phallus by getting girl cooties on it have any relationship to pleasure? It's nothing more than an odious task undertaken by men at great personal expense only to make sure that women are kept pregnant so they can't move very quickly."

No effort is made to teach the importance of marriage as the proper home for sexual intimacy.
Module Ten in the new, improved, pro-marriage, anti-pill class: "Why Pulling Out and Coming on the Sheets if You Can After Fucking Your Tense and Worried Wife Is the Heart of Intimacy".

But perhaps still worse than such amorality — and amorality on this subject is itself morally culpable is the failure of sex education to attempt to inform and elevate the erotic imagination of the young. On the contrary, the very attention to physiology and technique is deadly to the imagination.
That is, if you live in a world where people aren't capable of having elaborate sexual fantasies despite knowing that basic shape and look of people's genitals. I want to live in that world, because I hear in that world, men ejaculate calorie-free chocolate instead of sperm, making oral sex way more fun.

Oh, how I've missed that woman.

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