Monday, October 31, 2005

A trivial comment on a story that is anything but

I watched 60 Minutes' story last night on the exposure of Valerie Plame. Following that link will lead you to a written version, or the video is here.

I don't think it told me anything I didn't already know from following the story on the blogs and such; but it was interesting to put a face or two to some names. And given that 60 Minutes is still a top-10 rated show, I hope it underscored for a few million households that this was and is a very big deal. No matter what you think of our current goverment, this is a very big deal.

But now on to my trivial observation about a story that is anthing but. When the inevitable movie or made-for-TV movie is made, I know who should play Plame's husband, Joe Wilson: John "Q" De Lancie.

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