Friday, November 04, 2005

Americans REALLY want Bush impeached (UPDATED)

The amount of people who want Bush impeached if he lied about why we went to war in Iraq has increased to 51 or 53%, depnding on which blog you read. The Left Coaster says it's 51, and:
...before you dismiss this talk because the GOP controls all the government machinery, take a look at what Zogby says about Bush’s troubles amongst his base now, and then think about the possibility that Democrats could reclaim one or both houses of Congress next year, making those concerns about GOP control irrelevant.

The 39% job performance is the lowest we have registered so far for Mr. Bush. Behind those numbers are some troubling trends for his party. He is rated positively by only 43% of men, 48% of gun owners, 44% of NASCAR fans, 46% among those who attend a place of worship weekly, 39% of Catholics, 48% of Protestants -- including just 59% among self-described 'Born Again' Protestants, 41% of armed services households, 47% of married voters, and just 72% of conservatives (his lowest yet). These are all groups that have provided strong support for him in the past. He gets only 76% of Republicans (again his lowest in our polls), with just 11% of Democrats and 28% of Independents. His support among Hispanic voters is down to 21% and only 6% among African Americans.

At A Tiny Revolution, we find that: (one of the members of the After Downing Street coalition) has launched Impeach Pac, a political action committee trying to raise $100,000 for 2006 candidates who'll promise to support the impeachment of Bush and Cheney.

Via AmericaBlog, who seems to know best what they're talking about:

New Zogby poll: 53% of Americans say Congress should consider impeaching Bush if he lied about why we went to war in Iraq

But 51 or 53%, as Coaster also says,
[Even] 51% is a significant number when talking about considering impeachment, and is a far bigger number than was registered when Clinton was in the midst of his worst days over his stupidity with Lewinsky. And for anyone who says 51% means nothing, I would remind you that an alleged 51% was considered a “mandate” by the wingers just a year ago.

Let me remind you too that a majority of U.S. adults already believe Bush did lie. It may be that this is gonna be, in the end, what bites the Republicans in the ass about the Clinton impeachment. They lowered the standard for impeachment so far that now they haven't a leg to stand on when it comes to defending their guy. Because we do remember.

I still say, if the Republicans want to stay ahead of the curve on this, they ought to be the first ones to bring it up. If they wait until the '06 election and Democrats re-take the senate... then again, why am I helping them?

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