Sandra Lou -Banana split
Uploaded by benja21

The Obama daughters, who rightly "think...Paris Hilton is 'yuck'."

Somewhat guilty musical pleasure/sex symbol Kylie Minogue-"the greatest gay icon of all time."
I should be so lucky, lucky, lucky lucky...

She may not always sound emotionally engaged with her own music (we won't mention her films).
Though sometimes she does--I actually thought her performance at the Oscars was a high point. Of course, there she was singing Sondheim.
Still, you've got to give her longevity. I have a feeling she symbolizes something besides being a pop icon, but I'm not sure what it is.
Prefab Sprout's Wendy Smith, with the otherworldly voice.

And of course, always and forever:

If you have to ask who that must be new around here.
Just so you shouldn't think I'm solely focusing on singers (except for the Obama children) : Feministing; the other feminism blogs & bloggers.

Tara Spencer-Nairn.

Diana Rigg.
The late, great Molly Ivins. Writer and reporter Myra MacPherson notes
In December 2006, the ever-prescient columnist and best-selling author Molly Ivins was asked whether or not Barack Obama should run for president. Her answer: “Yes, he should run. He’s the only Democrat with any ‘Elvis’ to him.”
As so often, Molly was right.

Leslie Mann.
Some women modesty forbids me from naming.
Elizabeth Crane (who has a new collection. I'm having kittens.)
Emma Thompson, not just because of all her terrific work in her acting roles, but because she did this.
Anaïs Nin.
Maura Tierney, seen below having just heard that she's "the perfect woman for me, apparently."

Sigourney Weaver (and her puppies)

Mary-Louise Parker.
Natalie Portman & Scarlett Johansson

Diane Lane (to some of us, she'll always be Cherry).

And of course, Belinda and Jane.
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