Looking at this, though, I can't help but think about something: The fact that it remains, today, as much a pipe dream as ever, means we've known the Bush administration is made up of evil criminals for four years. And we haven't done jack about it.
And when someone brings it up to the republicans, they say "That's yesterday." And when someone brings it up to the Democrats, they just smile, wink and touch their nose. Some sort of a deal has been done somewhere to allow George W. Bush to stay president, and receive honors he should scurl away from like cockroaches in light.
You know, in my time, I've written a few things putting the lash (metaphorically) to Baby Boomers. And I'm not one to kiss up to "The Greatest Generation," either. But I must say, between them, they knew what to do when their president was revealed to be a loathesome crook, and they did it.
We know. But we haven't got the--you should pardon the expression--balls.
I have a feeling this is going to be the last more political post in this blog for a few days. I'm sick of it.
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